Printable $3 Purina Dog Treat Coupon (US)

This is a fantastic coupon! You just need to send them your email so they can send you your free printable coupon. Say hi to your dog for me!

Sample Of Flush Doggy Biodegradable Waste Bags (US)


Do you ever get worried about the amount of plastic you toss in the garbage from cleaning up after your pooch? Well, worry no longer with this free sample of dog waste bags that degrade in water. Scroll to the bottom of the page to get this freebie.

Low Cost or Free Spay – Neuter Programs in the United States

Doesn’t everyone get their cats spayed and neutered? No. There are millions of healthy cats and kittens put to death each year in U.S. animal shelters because of unaltered cats and not enough homes for their offspring. Some people don’t know this, or they don’t recognize this is related to themselves or their cats.

People put off spay/neuter due to issues of money, transportation, or time. Some people believe it’s more fair to allow the cat to mate “just this once” — or they think a female cat’s pregnancy and kittens will be sweet or educational for their human children. “

Free Pet Safety Pack From The ASPCA (US&CA)


In the event of an emergency, our pet rescue window decal alerts rescue personnel that pets are inside your home. The safety pack also includes an ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center magnet—a great way to keep the APCC’s toll-free emergency number and website address handy in case your pets get into something they shouldn’t!
Free Pet Safety Pack From The ASPCA

Purina Pet Care Program Free Samples

If you register with these guys they’ll send you free stuff and coupons for free cat food and money off cat litter. ^^ Sent for free to your door. They’ll also do it for dogs. If your pet is full-grown, just remember that they’ll always be so in your heart. 😉 (Wink wink, nudge nudge.)
Purina Pet Care Program Free Samples